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Download the latest version of the DSR Calculator here

Started by glennf, May 20, 2014, 02:04:25 pm

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May 20, 2014, 02:04:25 pm Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 08:59:49 am by glennf
Always look for the latest postings....

version 140509nib

New improved ionic balance for Na+ and SO4- 
Now compose new saltwater with perfectly improved ionic balance

Also added Kh,Ca and Mg  liquid dosing to suite dosing pumps


The DSR Calculator is an Excel sheet which do mineral dosing calculations based on action, water volume, measured and targeted values.

To open this file you need to install Microsoft Excel or Apache OpenOffice.

Only the bright yellow cells are to be edited.

Formula cells are protected (with a password), to prevent overwriting formula's.


De DSR Calculator is ook getest met: Apache Open Office.

voor PC/Windows gratis hier te downloaden:

Voor android phone/tablet:
Zoek in googleplay op: "openoffice android"
Kies voor: "AndrOpenOffice" (AOO)


DSR calculator version v170603 compact

inclusief de DSR2.0 v181007 calculator

aanpassingen voor 2xNO3+

Use the Download Button!