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What are the Key features of The DSR method?

Started by glennf, January 28, 2016, 11:37:21 am

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January 28, 2016, 11:37:21 am Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 12:21:15 pm by glennf
Key features of The DSR reefing method:
1-Most cost-effective All-in-One maintenance method developed for large  and XL reeftanks.             
2-The next level in reefing, without the inconvenience of weekly waterchanges.           
3-independent, precise and scientific based dosing, resulting in total control of essential water parameters.         
4-Proven method showing excellent results.
5-Own DSR support forum and state of the art DSR calculator which makes dosing very easy.
6-Reliable dosing & monitoring of 12 core elements using hobby test kits.
7-Approach with a  fast learning curve to become a reefmaster
8-High succes rate for advanced reef aquarists and newbees.           
9-Open method which relies on trust and open communication to improve DSR even further.
10-Ability to make high quality reefsalt to your own specifications for major & emergency corrections.