DSR Reefing

        Reefing the right way!

Welcome to the DSR Reefing Website!

DSR stands for "Dutch Synthetic Reefing". This is a way of keeping a mixed reef aquarium successful without waterchanges. The DSR Method was developed by myself "GlennF" as a problem solving tool for my own 1500 liter mixed reef aquarium. No water changes and controlling essential water parameters are the basics of the DSR Method.

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Starting with DSR

last edit: 1dec2013


How to start with DSR and how to determine daily consumption
At first you need all the desired testkits and supplements, than you are ready to go.
1- you do a initial measurement of all desired parameters
2- than type in all measured parameter into the "measured" column of the DSR Calculator (check the "volume" and "Correction" function)
3- type in your desired "Target" levels.
4- than top up the levels  with the advised amount of minerals/solutions.
5- now your water is "perfect".
6- after 4 days you measure again and repeat step 2-5 .
7- all correction made at step 6 can be devided by 4. This is you "temporary" daily consumption and can be dosed daily to keep up the levels.
8- after 7 days repeat step 1-5 again, but now divided by 7. This is your "additional" daily consumption. this is on top of the daily dose you were already doing at step 7.
9- repeat step 8 from now on to adjust the daily consumption for any period of time you choose your measure interval.


My advised measure intervals:
Weekly: KH, Ca, PO4  (and any parameter that need mayor correction at any measurement)
Every 2/3/4 weeks: any parameter which has been stable for a while or more measurement  on a row. The length of the interval depend on how long this had been steady, but no longer than 4 weeks.



Het beginnen met DSR en het bepalen van 't dagelijks verbruik:

Ten eerste heb je de gewenste test setjes en de supplementen nodig, dan kan je van start.
1- doe a initiele meting van alle gewenste waarden.
2- type deze in in de "gemeten" kolom van de DSR Calculator (controller de "volume" and "Correctie" functie.
3- type je gewenste "Target" waarden in.
4- vul de waarden aan met de geadviseerde hoeveelheden van de stoffen en oplossingen.
5- nu zijn je waarden "perfect".
6- na 4 days doe je weer een meting en herhaal stappen 2-5. 
7- alle correcties gedaan bij stap 6 kunnen gedeeld worden door 4. Dit is het "tijdelijke" dag verbruik en kan dagelijks gedoseerd worden om het niveau stabiel te houden.
8- na 7 dagen herhaal je stappen 2-5, maar nu deel je het door 7. Dit is je "additionele"  dag verbruik  en komt boven op de reeds gedoeseerde  dag verbruik bepaald bij stap 7.
9- herhaal stap 8 vanaf heden om het dag verbruik steeds bij te stellen voor elk nader te bepalen meet interval.


My advised measure intervals:
Weekly: KH, Ca, PO4  (and any parameter that need mayor correction at any measurement)
Every 2/3/4 weeks: any parameter which has been stable for a while or more measurement  on a row. The length of the interval depend on how long this had been steady, but no longer than 4 weeks.